Low cost business accounts available. No per transaction fee.
Sole Proprietor
- Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
- If applicable, the Fictitious Name Certificate or Certificate of Assumed Name or the Business License.
- Federal Employee Identification Number (EIN) -If your business does not have a EIN, you may apply for one via the IRS website or by calling the IRS at 1-800-829-4933.
- Partnership Agreement (if there is no agreement, obtain a statement stating so with all partners’ signatures) or filed Limited Partnership Agreement. A copy of the Limited Partnership Agreement that is not filed may be accepted until the state filing is complete.
- If applicable, Fictitious Name Certificate or Certificate of Assumed Name or the Business License.2
- If applicable, the LLP registration form filed with the state.
- Limited partnerships must:
- File a certification of the partnership information with the state in which the business has its principle location.
- Include the term limited partnership or LP in their legal name.
- Limited Liability Partnerships or Professional Limited Liability Partnerships must include either LLP or PLLP in the account titles.
Limited Liability Company
- Federal Employee Identification Number (EIN) – If your business does not have a EIN, you may apply for one via the IRS website or by calling the IRS at 1-800-829-4933.
- Articles of Organization
- Operating Agreement
- If applicable, the Fictitious Name Certificate or Certificate of Assumed Name or the Business License. Limited Liability Companies must include LLC in the account title.
- Federal Employee Identification Number (EIN) -If your business does not have a EIN, you may apply for one via the IRS website or by calling the IRS at 1-800-829-4933.
- Articles of Incorporation or a Certificate of Good Standing
- Corporate Resolution
Incorporated, Unincorporated Association, Organizations, or Non-Profit Organizations
- Federal Employee Identification Number (EIN) -If your business does not have a EIN, you may apply for one via the IRS website or by calling the IRS at 1-800-829-4933.
- When the account is opened in the name of the organization, all of the qualification criteria of the entity type, such as corporation, of the organization must be met.